Research | with Dr. Barbara
Discover Your Protagonist’s Era, Effortlessly

Discover Your Protagonist’s Era, Effortlessly

Are you an actor, director, producer or scriptwriter who needs to dive deep into a specific time period — quickly? 
Imagine saving countless hours on research while ensuring every detail is historically accurate. This is what we offer, and more. 

Actors, if you need to prepare your next acting project, you’re in the right place. Imaging finishing the bulk of your preparation in under 4 weeks…  

Screenwriters and producers, imagine you could aim to go from screenplay concept to a solid outline under 1 month…

You want to understand your character’s world without getting lost in endless DIY research, and you need a reliable expert to guide you. This is where we come in.

We provide tailored research strategies and original materials — ensuring a strong foundation for your creative process. 

Imagine if you could bypass research overwhelm and dive straight into the raw, genuine, untamed facets of history…


Historical Consulting

A Custom Audit & Your Personal Research Strategy 

Discover your protagonist’s era, effortlessly

Step 1. Get a streamlined Research Strategy

Gain clarity and save precious time with a tailored research strategy. By receiving a strategy, you’ll have a concrete 30-day plan in place: What to research, where to research, whom to contact — and what to set aside for now. Armed with this plan, you can avoid falling into the research rabbit hole, and start researching efficiently. If you need further assistance, we can help you executing your plan. 

Step 2. Get personalised historical insights

After a detailed audit, Dr. Barbara hand-selects original historical photos, texts, films and other materials specific to your era and protagonist. These curated resources provide authenticity, giving you a profound understanding of the context and character motivations — fast. 


Step into the past with confidence

Let historical consultant Dr. Barbara help you navigate the complexities of history, so you can focus on what you do best: Bringing stories to life.

Whether you’re shaping a character’s journey or capturing the essence of a bygone era — this 1:1 consultation equips you with the insights you need.

Meet your historical guide

With a doctorate in history, plus a university degree in history and archeology, Barbara brings a ton of expertise to the table. This ensures you avoid inaccuracies. After 15 years of experience working with writers and creatives, Dr. Barbara understands your needs in the creative process. She knows exactly which elements can make a story more compelling.

Book a Historical Consulting session. Get a custom audit & your personal research strategy.  

Imagine sifting through original materials from your era, guided by an expert who knows exactly what you need. This is the process. 👇

I. The Audit 

What information have you already gathered? What do you need to make this script, this film a success? Let’s evaluate this together on a video call, using your script, concept or even just initial ideas.

If you can’t share a script (yet), that’s fine — we can also work with a rough idea! 💪

II. Your Personal Research Strategy 

Get a personalised Research Strategy: Do you need to …?  

… consider contacting experts for insights? 
… Assess the potential of interviewing eyewitnesses
… Determine relevant reading materials? 
… Browse databases for maps or photos
… Find original films or audio sources? 
… Consider also unpublished materials? 
… Assess the necessity of visiting archives
… Seek out original settings similar to your chosen location? 
… Think about on-location visits for a firsthand experience?

Receive a well-structured, actionable plan that you can execute during the next 30 days (or what your timeframe is).

III. Bonus: A Material Dossier 

Usually 810 pages, delivered digitally. Packed with first dips of original sources about your protagonist, or setting or era. Plus, a video walkthrough provides further easy-to-understand explanations. This ensures you can delve in instantly

Cost is 1,990 Euros, due upon booking. 

When should you book this?

We help creatives speed up the early stages of delving into a new topic. This consulting session is ideal…

— when you’re preparing a new role
— when you start writing a script/manuscript
— or when you want to start creating the backstory or character development.

Dr. Barbara — a historian and consultant with over 15 years of experience — will be the one conducting your audit. She has (ghost)written more than 20 books and scripts, and even wrote her dissertation on crafting compelling historical narratives. 

After consulting for over 130 history-related projects, she understands the creative process with all its pitfalls and challenges.

That’s why she founded »The Research Ruckus. Historical Consulting With Dr. Barbara«, a bespoke service for researching historical eras and protagonists from the past. It’s tailored to actors, directors, producers and scriptwriters who want to bring authenticity and depth to their projects. 

Finally, you’ll understand what it meant: to live during this particular year, in this particular area. To be alive back then
Finally, your instinct kicks in, so that you start acting or writing. And now it feels effortless. 

Cheers & Applause

Dear Dr B — thank you so much. I’ve just finished going through the material and I’m absolutely amazed. I had already realised that in terms of research what I can do and what you do are two different things. But now I see that they’re worlds apart. Incredible.

Isabel, author with Rowohlt Publishing House, Germany

Your early support and input was crucial in helping me to understand and internalise [this historical figure]. Now I’m very much looking forward to sharing this with the world.

— A.

I’m an American screenwriter and creative producer who wanted to write about Germany during the Nazi era. Barbara was able to explain even the most complex 1940s events, procedures and regulations to me in a very clear way.

— S.

Dr. Barbara is not only a knowledgeable historian, but she also understands plot and character development. We didn’t feel that we were talking to an academic, but that she was speaking our language. It made the entire process easier.

— E.W.

Under immense time pressure, we had to come up with a plot and treatment to pitch for a crossmedia project. One small problem: Our team didn’t know much about Germany in the 1930s. In 3 sessions, Barbara brought us up to speed, so that we could brainstorm together. She was invaluable not only in weeding out factual errors, but also in adding conflict to the plot. We were able to submit our treatment on time and pitch it.

— S. P.

Oh, it has been a riot with you! Thank you so much for everything: your ideas, your input and all the useful information. Sometimes I even felt like you were reading my mind.

— K. P.
Consider this: How much more confident would you feel knowing every historical detail is accurate? And what if you could avoid costly revisions later in the process?
Who are you consulting with?

Hi again, I’m Dr. Barbara. After almost two decades of helping creatives like you bring history to life, I’ve honed a process that combines historical research with the needs of storytelling. 

I bring a highly superior biographical memory to the table, combined with speedreading, systematic creative chaos, a super structured approach to research and a healthy dose of German thoroughness. 🇩🇪 🇪🇺

So far, my research has been incorporated into 130 projects — including bestselling historical novels, nonfiction books, social media and TV projects, successful pitches and scripts — ensuring historical integrity without stifling creativity. Contact me here.

Shall we get started?

1. Book Your Session

Click ›Reserve My Spot‹, then select a time and date for your 1:1 consulting session via video call. 

2. Listen & Consult

In our video call, we’ll review your previous research (if applicable) and identify what you need, so that we can quickly uncover what will help you the most. 

3. Strategise & Research 

Your work is done; now it’s our turn! We assess everything. Then we create your personal research strategy. We will also find and compile first dips of material on your protagonist and setting (810 pages). We’ll deliver the materials through a private, digital portal. 

Cost is 1,990 Euros, due upon booking. 

Need Ongoing Support? Opt to continue with additional research as needed, ensuring your project’s success.


From idea to authenticity, fast

By the end of our consulting session, you will have a research strategy in place that will enable you to begin working on your film (or script) more quickly, with a solid foundation and fewer inaccuracies. 

You will also get original historical sources, such as photos, texts, films and other original materials (810 pages, delivered digitally). These are hand-selected by your historical consultant — allowing you to really understand the era and your protagonist. 

Invest in authenticity

This comprehensive service is available for just under $2,000. But why not fact-check *after* your script is finished, you ask? Well, this can be significantly more costly — and MUCH MORE time-consuming. Avoid endless revisions, and start with a solid foundation. What applies to writers also applies to actors: Prevent inaccuracies that could confuse your audience. Save time and trust a process that was honed over 15 years.

Is this a good fit?

This service is ideal for actors, directors, producers and scriptwriters committed to historical accuracy and efficiency. If you’re looking to bring your protagonist’s world to life — without endless DIY research —, then this is for you. 


What historical resources can you expect?

It varies. Depending on the time period and topic, we may find and include the following sources. To make these easy to understand, all sources are annotated and explained. Still have questions? Then reach out here.

Ready to bring your protagonist’s world to life? Then let’s get started.