Research | with Dr. Barbara
Group Workshops

Group Workshops

🎬 Calling all Talent Agencies and Film Productions

If your clients don’t fully understand their protagonists, their work risks losing authenticity and depth. This can damage their credibility and undermine their project’s success. 
As an agency or production, ensuring authenticity in historical roles can be challenging. 

Even if your clients don’t admit it: Chances are they’re finding it hard to accurately research and portray historical figures for their scripts or performances.  

And even if they’re capable of researching the past, they often go round in circles and waste valuable time.

If only there were a way to accelerate the entire research process

That’s where we come in. We are a Historical Consulting team, and we are obsessed with character development for biopics and films that explore the past

That’s why, in August and September, we are teaming up with talent agencies and production firms. 

Imagine the impact of an expert-guided workshop that equips your team and your clients with the tools to delve deep into historical contexts

Imagine providing your clients with the skills to research new times, eras or protagonists efficiently and accurately

So we’ve created a special, 75-min online workshop that you can book on demand.
🎁 Why not offer this workshop as a unique gift or incentive to your clients? 🎁 

Alongside your team, invite as many people as you wish. More below.

Introducing »Get to Know Your Protagonist«

An On-Demand Digital Workshop for Your Clients
Run live by Dr. Barbara | Historical Consultant with 15 years of experience 

How does it work?

⚫ First, book our exclusive »Get to Know Your Protagonist« digital workshop.

The live session is led by historian Dr. Barbara. With 15 years of expertise in historical character development, she has researched for over 130 fiction book and film projects in Germany, the UK, the US and Australia. Dr. Barbara will guide the online workshop participants through the essential steps to research and portray historical characters.  

⚫⚫ After that, you can invite your team and your clients — especially actors, producers, directors and scriptwriters. Together, we will learn this. 👇

— Insightful Preparation

Understand the key questions to ask when researching historical figures.

— Deepen their research skills

Improve your team’s and clients’ ability to create authentic characters. 

— Utilising Digital Databases 

Discover the most relevant digital resources. 

— Learn Together 

Connect with other industry professionals from the same agency.  

Enhance (and accelerate!) your client’s preparation for films with historical characters, leading to more compelling performances or scripts. 

What’s in it for you?

— A Hassle-Free Experience

Once you book our digital workshop, we take care of all online logistics including sign-up process, pre-written invitation texts, video call setup, recording, worksheets etc.

— Bonus Q & A Session 

Following the 75-min workshop, Dr. Barbara will stay on the call for a Q&A session to address specific queries of your clients. All info is treated confidential.   

— Unlimited Participation

Pay once, then invite as many of your actor clients, producers and scriptwriters as you wish.

So, what’s the next step?

1. Choose a Date. 

Select the most convenient date for you and your clients.

2. Book and Pay. 

Secure your session for 497 Euros.

3. Invite Your Clients. 

Extend invitations to your colleagues and clients. (We’ll even provide email invitation texts that you can copy and paste, aiming to make it easy for you.)

4. Leave the Rest to Us. 

We handle all the logistics, so you and your clients can focus on learning.

Reserve your spot now for only 497 Euros, and invite your clients to learn together. 

By offering your clients the chance to learn and connect, you not only provide them with valuable opportunities, but also distinguish yourself as a uniquely supportive agency

Don’t miss this opportunity to improve your client’s craft. Click the button above to book your session today and start inviting your clients. You can choose a date and time here » We’re only offering this in August and September 2024.

Who will run the digital workshop?

Our founder, Dr. Barbara. A historian by training, she has a set of extraordinary skills that support her history expertise — including lightning-fast comprehension, photographic (eidetic) memory, a highly developed biographical memory, speed-reading and German thoroughness.

Publishing expert Jane Friedman wrote about her: »If you write historical novels and need help finding the best resources, here’s your woman.« Barbara has consulted on over 130 historical novels, biographies, screenplays, scripts and film projects

With a Master’s degree in History and Archaeology, a doctorate in History and more than 15 years‘ experience as a historical consultant, she is regularly called upon by clients in the publishing and film industries. Barbara founded The Research Ruckus to help actors, directors, agents, producers and writers immerse themselves in authentic, unpublished historical material. 

She believes that only by truly understanding who your historical character was, — how they lived, what they enjoyed, and what daily conflicts or struggles they may have faced, — only then you can write about them, or play them. 

And once you have immersed yourself fully?

Then make it your own.

Cheers & Applause

»Barbara is nothing less than a research genius. She found everything for me. Even the number of cows that my protagonist Wilson Bentley kept in his cowshed! It’s unbelievable what a wealth of information she procures. When working with her, I gain time to write without compromising on the reliability of the historical facts.«

— Titus MĂŒller | Bestselling author with Random House

»Barbara has mastered the balancing act of meeting readers where they are without coming across as patronising or imposing herself.« 

— Charlotte Lyne, author and translator | London

»Dr. Barbara is not only a knowledgeable historian, but she also understands plot and character development. We didn’t feel that we were talking to an academic, but that she was speaking our language. It made the entire process easier.«

— E.W.

»I’m an American screenwriter and creative producer who wanted to write about Germany during the Nazi era. Barbara was able to explain even the most complex 1940s events, procedures and regulations to me in a very clear way.«

— S.

»Under immense time pressure, we had to come up with a plot and treatment to pitch for a crossmedia project. One small problem: Our team didn’t know much about Germany in the 1930s… In 3 sessions, Barbara brought us up to speed so that we could brainstorm together. She was invaluable not only in weeding out factual errors, but also in adding conflict to the plot. We were able to submit our treatment on time and pitch it.«

— S. P.

»Your early support and input was crucial in helping me to understand and internalise [this historical figure]. Now I’m looking forward to sharing this with the world.«

— A.

»Oh, it was a riot with you! Thank you a thousand times for everything: for your ideas, your input and all the useful information. Sometimes I even had the feeling that you had been reading my mind.«

— K.P.

You have questions? We have answers. Email us at Â»

👇In short: Why you should gift this workshop to your clients 👇

As a talent agency or film production, ensuring authenticity in historical roles can be challenging. But inaccurate portrayals can disconnect viewers and diminish the impact of story. 

Let’s collaborate to offer a special online workshop to your clients, so your clients can create unforgettable historical storytelling that deeply resonates with audiences. When learning from our Historical Consultant, you can expect these results. 

1. Deepen your clients’ research skills.  

2. Improve your clients’ ability to create authentic characters. 

3. Offer your clients and team the ability to learn together and connect with other industry professionals from the same agency. 

StĂ©phane Passet: A family in the rue du Pot de fer, Paris, France. Autochrome from Albert Kahn’s Archives de la planĂšte, 24 juin 1914. CC0.