Research | with Dr. Barbara

Research | with Dr. Barbara

The Research Ruckus

Introducing »

A lightning-fast, in-depth, tried-and-tested historical consulting & research process that helps you portray a person from the past.

You want to prepare your next project that is set in the past. 
A biopic, biography, film, script or book. 
There’s only one problem.


Long-forgotten. Difficult to understand. Complicated. 

You’ve browsed YouTube for interviews and documentaries. 

You’ve already read this book that was recommended. 

You’ve skimmed several Wikipedia articles.  

Now, you really need to understand the main conflict in this person’s life. You need to know who their enemies were. You need to understand their greatest fears and joys. Ideally, you need fresh, unpublished, never-before-seen, original sources. 

But — you’re not a historian. (Surprise!)

You need something put together yesterday. 

And it needs to be brilliant. (BRILLIANT.) 

You don’t have time to travel to archives, put on white gloves and oh-so-carefully turn page after page after page (all while trying to decipher old, spidery handwriting). 

This is where we come in.

Historical materials — curated into easy-to-understand resources

Because if you really understood the past … Could you perform better? Could you write a better script? Be a better director? During interviews, could you captivate the audience by telling unpublished secrets from this person’s life? Shed a new light on this biography? (Yes, yes, yes and yes.)

»Well-researched« isn’t optional — it’s the difference between good and outstanding.

Research takes time and effort — but you can’t afford to read 120+ different books. Or keep browsing Wikipedia. Or keep watching the same old YouTube documentaries that often just repeat a certain, outdated image of this person. 

Your performance needs to be credible. 

Otherwise, they’ll call you inauthentic



So, how can you achieve outstanding?

By listening to what your protagonists said, in their own words. 

By hearing what their family, neighbours or enemies said about them (when they were still alive!).  

By exploring every aspect of their world, so that you can move in it like you actually know it. 

Because you understand them.

Finally, you’ll understand what it meant: to live during this particular year, in this particular area. To be alive back then. 

Finally, you feel confident to portray them. 

Finally, your instinct kicks in, so that you start acting or writing. 

Now you can take your audience to a long-forgotten world. And it feels almost effortless. 

But what comes first? 

Approaching the past with the help of a process we call RESEARCH RUCKUS



This is not your typical »historical advisor« approach.




Instead, let’s shake things up a bit.

Cause some ruckus.
Brush history against the grain, until it spills a few secrets…
And while doing so, speed up the entire research process. 

Finally ditch Wikipedia and YouTube — and utilise original, historical sources.

Get as close as possible, and listen to what people from the past have to say. In their own words. 

Let’s work together.

Choose from 3 options below.


»I need full research from scratch.«

Get comprehensive material dossiers and regular consulting sessions. Save 2-3 month of time. Let’s delve DEEP into this new era and your protagonist’s mind, so that you feel confident playing them or writing about them.

Starts at 9000 Euro


»I need to optimise what I’ve researched NOW.«

You don’t have the time or budget for a full-scale project. Enter: The Audit + the Research Strategy + first dips of unpublished materials. Skip the waitlist. Get actionable tips how you could proceed with your research.

1990 Euros


»We want to master historical character development.«

For talent agencies and production firms: Invite your clients, talent and team, and learn together how to streamline research and prep for historical films or biopics.


497 Euros

Did you know? If there’s free spots, we will notify our waiting list first. Get notified.

»Oh, it has been a riot with you! Thank you so much for everything: your ideas, your input and all the useful information. Sometimes I even felt like you were reading my mind.«

— K.P.

»Dear Barbara, I’m speechless. Really speechless. How did you do it? Your collection is a miracle, and I can’t believe it didn’t take you months to find all those treasures in your research.«

— Titus Müller | German bestselling author with Random House